Thursday, 29 November 2012

I'm forever blowing bubbles!

So, getting ready for work this morning. Everyone is busy and has their task to do.
Dad's finished in the bathroom and is off to get his shoes on; mum's getting changed in the bedroom..... I see my moment to investigate that smelly bar thing that has intrigued me for a while!

The shriek of 'Rudi NO!' suggests they thought it wasn't a good idea to eat a bar of soap.

I was struggling to scoff it actually, it just clogged up in my teeth. I reckon I got half before mum 'removed' it from my throat!

Just keep burping this afternoon - a weird taste in my mouth too!

Roll on tea-time!

Tuesday, 27 November 2012

The Microwave

Hi everyone,
rubbish weather isn't it! I hate getting my toes wet and muddy all the time!
I'll tell you what I do like though.....
Yup! Me and the microwave are at last getting to know each other a bit better.
Every time 'mum' opens the door, a treat comes out, the door closes and I get the treat!
In fact, 'mum' has even made the microwave go 'beep' a couple of times and I haven't minded, (as long as a treat follows!).
Mum reckons we might be able to defrost things in less than 24hrs again by Christmas!
I think it depends on how good the treats are!


Tuesday, 20 November 2012

We've been baking!

Mum has been making pastry again today and I kept nice and close in case I could help out.
Last week I helped out by clearing the leftover pastry that I thought wasn't wanted (oops!).
The baking seemed more cautious this week somehow..... I only secured bits of flour!

By the way..... so much for Kong Wobbler..... it lasted 3 outings!

Monday, 12 November 2012

Kong Wobbler!

Hello every one! I have got a new toy!

My Kong Wobbler is a strong wobbly thing that unscrews to let 'mum and dad' put tasty treats in and then let me bash it around to get them out.

I get VERY excited about this and don't really notice the computer clicks or pay attention to the hoover whilst I am playing at enticing yummy treats out of the slightly smaller than I would like hole.

Here I am chewing Kong Wobbler in my crate - where no-one else goes!

I am wondering what amazingly tasty idea they can come up with to help me to ignore the microwave pings - it will have to be pretty good!

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Frost Licker!

Hi All,
What is this strange thing happening?
Each morning I go out and the grass has gone all crunchy and cold and some of the colour has faded?
It tastes tingly and fresh and I like pushing my nose through it and licking it!
Am I strange? Is this normal to find on a November morning?
'Mum and dad' laugh at me and say "Wait till it snows!".

What is snow I wonder?

Saturday, 3 November 2012

It's nearly 3 weeks at my new home!

Hello all,
I have survived my first week of everyone being back at work and me having to spend the mornings on my own.
Am I bothered?
Do I look bothered?
I am doing ok!
I have my toy 'Kong' filled with cheesy ham and lots of little treats scattered around the hall to take my mind off 'mum and dad' leaving me.
When mum gets home I am VERY excited - but she is teaching me (slowly) to calm down.

Today has been a nice sunny morning and I have taken up a new hobby....
..... snoozing in the sunshine.
Nice and relaxing.  Especially after the microwave, hoover, computer and joggers! 
One thing at a time says mum. x