Thursday, 25 April 2013

Here I sit

Afternoon all.
I thought I would show you were I reside during the working day.

This is the study where mum and dad have put a nice cosy crate with a lovely cushion to snooze on. 

They did this just after I came to live with them.  The idea being that I would have somewhere safe that was my space, away from everyone.

They even put a piece of thick carpet on the top to make it feel more of a 'den'.

What actually happens 99% of the time is I curl up on the top and look out of the little window!

I can jump and reach this spot from a good 8 feet away!  I love it here - I can see everyone and everything going on in the road.

I really should be on the residents committee for Neighbourhood Watch! xx

Sunday, 21 April 2013

Back in the garden..

Hello all,
At last a bit of sunshine!
This has a strange effect on mum and dad, who suddenly find lots of jobs to do out doors.
I do like being outside with them, but I am a dog that likes attention, or something to play with (destroy - says mum!).

Finding an unused plant pot was great fun!

Running around the garden with it was even better!

Sunday, 7 April 2013

Scotland trip

Hello! I'm home from a brilliant trip up north (Easter Saturday to the following Wednesday 3rd April).  The date is important, as the weather was like this:-

It seems spring is still a way off!  I have lots to tell you about.

The sitting sunbathing in the back of the car at the steading whilst mum and dad worked on the roof of their friends house.

Travelling really relaxed without any fuss in the car for 9 hours each way (was it the Dap diffuser? Or am I just getting better at travelling?).

Meeting two new people and feeling quite comfortable with them.

Most importantly though: meeting two new doggie friends Mia and Duke, who took the time to show me around their local woods for a walk in the ice and sometimes snow - depending how high up we were.

I look forward to visiting them again late summer time.