Sunday, 24 March 2013

And more snow!!

So -  this morning I went out for my usual first of the morning toilet moment.... it was STILL snowing! Not heavily, but still enough to be quite a bit deeper and rather cold on the toes when you have come from being snuggled up in a warm basket.  I was quick!

We then went out for our morning walk and mum and dad let me off the lead to run around in the fields. I loved it!

Nice eh? Right outside my back gate.  I am a lucky dog.

I did have a few problems in the snow mind.....

I love to sniff and prod around in the snow and the old snozz (muzzle) gets a bit snow blocked at times.
It doesn't bother me though, every time someone clears it for me, I just roll in the snow again and look the same!

Lots of fun!!

1 comment:

  1. Poor Rudi, getting snow in your muzzle! Good job you've got a nice mum and dad to clean it for you.
